Ask These Questions to Know If Your Child is ready to start kindergarten

Ask These Questions to Know If Your Child is ready to start kindergarten

Your child is old enough to start kindergarten — but is he/she ready? Although enrolling child in kindergarten is not compulsory, most families choose to start their formal education in this setting. Most of the professional educators think kindergarten as a medium to lay the foundation of a child’s educational journey. The only concern that arises here is at what age a child should begin this formal training.

Most of the kindergarten in Melbourne has strictly enforced policies regarding the enrolment age of the children. This specific age requirement may vary from one state to another in Australia. While kindergarten now being a full day childcare program, it may be too rigorous for some of the kids. The parents must be able to determine the right time for their child to join kindergarten.

Is Your Child Ready to Start Kindergarten?

Listed below are a few important questions that will help you decide whether your child is ready to start kindergarten or not:

  •          Can they recognise letters and numbers from 1-10?
  •          Can they recite the alphabet?
  •          Do they read along with you when you share a favourite book?
  •          Are they excited about the idea of going to school?
  •          Have they attended preschool?
  •          Can they focus their attention on instruction for 10-15 minutes?
  •          Are they able to spend 6-7 hours away from you without becoming upset?
If the answer of most of the above mentioned questions is affirmative, your kid is ready to attend kindergarten in Melbourne. Remember that these are just general guidelines and it is not advisable to decide whether your child is ready for kindergarten or not without any professional evaluation by your kid’s potential future school.

At the end, you know your child better than anyone else. If they demonstrate the majority of the above-mentioned skills, they are most likely ready to attend kindergarten. However, if you think that your kid needs a bit more time before joining kindergarten, that’s perfectly fine too.
Matrix Early Learning is a privately owned kindergarten in Melbourne. All our centres have been purpose built to offer your child a calm, home-like environment and surroundings for days filled with education, excitement and fun. Our centres are designed with the optimum of indoor and outdoor facilities.
Our kindergarten program is government funded and is designed to develop children’s social and emotional skills, numeracy, language, etc. To enrol your kid, get in touch with us today.

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